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PCR / qPCR fra Procomcure
Procomcure er specialiseret i produktion og udvikling af PCR-reagenser. Procomcure leverer globalt til bioteknologiske såvel som farmaceutiske aktører – herunder blandt andre til MERCK, Fresenius, Biomedica, Molecular Devises, University of Exeter, General Hospital of Salzburg.
Nyt fra Procomcure
Procomcure har udviklet og produceret qPCR detection-kit, som tester tilstedeværelsen af tre afgørende gensekvenser for Covid-19 / 2019-NCoV.
Med qPCR detection-kit PHOENIXDX 2019-NCoV kan du i løbet af kort tid teste for tilstedeværelsen af de tre gensekvenser, E-gen, N-gen og RdRP-gen, som skal være positive for at bekræfte smitte af Covid-19, og her be- eller afkræfte eventuel smitte af coronavirus.
Jakob Andersen er klar til, at fortælle nærmere om Procomcure og deres produkter og besvare eventuelle spørgsmål!
- Broad PCR product portfolio: All PCR and qPCR reagents for every-day-use like 2X mastermixes for routine applications, LongRange for long target sequences and Multiplex PCR kits for RNA analysis are available in high quality and attractive pricing
- Maximum instrument compatibility: All qPCR reagents contain a universal ROX concentration suitable for all cyclers normalizing to ROX and an alternative normalization option for Bio-Rad cyclers
- Maximum Safety: All qPCR mastermixes contain a dUTP/dTTP blend for UNG digestion to eliminate carry-over comtaminations and a HotStart antibody for full control over the reaction start (e. g. for automated applications)
- Specializes products: ProPlant qPCR mastermixes were developed for use with plant specimen as plant-derived DNA often contains considerable amount of PCR inhibitors
- Detection kits: The PhoenixDx Series offer highly sensitive, easy-to-use qPCR kits for the specific detection of pathogens from food and other sources
- Support and collaboration: As the producer of our reagents, we can answer any questions and help with the setup or troubleshooting. If an industrial or academic project requires a custom solution, our team of dedicated scientists is eager to asist
- Consistent quality: To ensure the best quality to our customers, the development and production of PCR reagents is performed according to ISO 9001 and ISO 13485 guidelines
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