DORTE EGELUND ApS | Ledreborg Allé 128 A | 4000 Roskilde, Denmark | Tlf: +45 40 20 25 76 | Email:
ANKOM DELTA automatiseret fiber analyzer fra ANKOM Technology
DELTA Product Description
- Performs Crude Fiber, Acid Detergent Fiber and Neutral Detergent Fiber determinations
- Internal pumps automate chemical delivery for all supported methods, no lifting heavy chemical containers
- Optional Chemical delivery system further reduces costs and technician labor for chemical mixing
- System automatically clears lines to allow for seamless transition between methods
- Batch Process up to 24 Samples at One Time
- Accurate and Precise Results, Time After Time
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ANKOM A2000 fiber analyzer fra ANKOM Technology
A2000 Product Description
- Supports Acid Detergent Fiber, Neutral Detergent Fiber, and Crude Fiber determinations for all feeds and forages
- Automatically adds required chemical and hot water rinses
- Ability to process up to 24 samples at a time
- Used by laboratories in over 120 countries
- Filter Bag Technology encapsulates sample which prevents error and allows filtration to occur passively
- Eliminates technician variability
- Improves accuracy and precision
- No separate filtration step
- Reduces labor costs by more than 50%
- Less bench space required
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TDF Product Description
- Automates AOAC 985.29, 2001.03, & 991.43 (AACC 32.07.01)
- Upgrade available to support AOAC 2009.01 and 2011.25
- Reduces labor costs
- Reduces cost per assay
- Three runs – 9 samples in duplicate per day
- Utilizes advanced filter bag technology
- Eliminates water baths and filtration flasks
- Faster, technician-free filtering
- No clogged filters
- Computer controlled operation
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Daisy Product Description
- Determine results for in-vitro true digestibility, apparent digestibility, rate studies, neutral cellulase gamanase digestibility, and other related studies for all feeds and forages
- Batch processing of 100+ samples at a time
- Improves Precision
- Reduce labor costs by 50% or more
- Filter Bag Technology
- Reduces labor and glassware (no test tubes required)
- No water bath required
- Less bench space required
- Precise and consistent results
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